Hellojane Art Cards



* Art Card Gallery

* Contact Information

* Current Projects

* Dear Friends

* Writing Guidelines


Contact Information






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Current Projects

* Designing a series of drawings called Living Waters. These simple line drawings depict elements of love and emotion.


* Original art work prices vary. Please contact me via email Alimeg@cablespeed.com if you are interested.


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Dear Friends,
Handpicking a card that truly expresses how I feel is a favorite pastime of mine. Hellojane.com art cards make heartwarming messages for any occasion. Adding to the individual nature of these prints, each art card is signed.

I know you’ve taken time to find the right card. In turn, I’ve taken time to make sure you feel confident in knowing that your message is being expressed on a high quality work of art.
These cards are prints from original works of art. Some of these are for sale.
Feel free to contact me Alimeg@cablespeed.com should you be interested in purchasing one of my paintings. I ‘m currently working on the "Living Waters" series dedicating a portion of the profits to charities for children .

Thank you for visiting Hellojane.com art cards. Your suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated and very much welcome. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Very Truly Yours,


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Writing Suggestions

* Write as if you are talking to that person in a conversation.

* Keep the words as well as the message simple.

* Enjoy! Keeping in touch with friends and loved one’s is meant to be enjoyable.


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Last revised: March 5, 2005